Organising Design (or why you need to care about spreadsheets)

About 10 years ago, I became an assessor for funding agencies. I have since worked for AHRC, Innovate UK, EIT and EU programmes to help them assess funding applications. As a result I spent a lot of time looking at other people’s (sometimes terrible) spreadsheets and it’s become a bit of an obsession. I’ve often… Continue reading Organising Design (or why you need to care about spreadsheets)

End of year review

Thanks to Prof. Dr. Molly Steenson for initiating this habit in 2005. What did you do in 2023 that you’d never done before? I started quiet quitting some bad habits. Did you keep your New Years’ resolutions, and will you make more for next year? I’ve given up on those I think. Did anyone close to… Continue reading End of year review

Categorized as Personal

72 questions on digital human values

In 2020, the Human Values team at BBC R&D North Lab and I won some funding from NESTA to turn their Human Values work into practical tools for policy-making. Building on my experience shepherding the London Internet of Things community into developing the Better IoT assessment tool, I helped them develop a questionnaire for people… Continue reading 72 questions on digital human values

Notes on climate work

It was my last day at Design Council on Friday so I’m taking the opportunity to reflect on the past 5 years, taking on work across renewable energy, sustainable finance, circular economy, climate leadership in the world of design and running a summer residency. The administration of climate work matters. The minutiae and administration of… Continue reading Notes on climate work

Sunday Scraps #72

  The importance of libraries to women / the privilege of men in STEM / the new MacGuffin is about chains / fragmented consumer research / I should do an Arvon retreat some time as I have been writing bad poetry during the pandemic / the book Esc looks nice / when you overdo it… Continue reading Sunday Scraps #72

Big D(esign) energy

I’m almost done with my stint as Chief Design Officer at the Design Council and it’s a good time to reflect on the experience so far and what I’d like to keep doing in my last months and beyond. A 79 year old startup The vibe at the Design Council is very close to what… Continue reading Big D(esign) energy

End of year review

(Thanks to Prof. Dr. Molly Steenson for initiating this habit when I was a student. I’ve now trimmed it down a little as I find myself with the same answers to some questions year on year.) What did you do in 2022 that you’d never done before? Stopped caring as much about the wrong things.… Continue reading End of year review

Categorized as Personal

On institutional knowledge

I’m dismantling a corporate library for the second time in my life. I am working at the Design Council as interim CDO these days and we’re moving office which means dealing with our 20+ years institutional library. If books could talk, these ones would tell you about all the design competitions happening around the world… Continue reading On institutional knowledge

Sunday Scraps #71

An LRB essay on the things we lost or left behind (including voice) / on the roles women take on / picked up a print by Sarah Woods / a Julian Barnes article where he watches the watchers / I hate camping so laughed out loud at this article about #vanlife / a timeline of… Continue reading Sunday Scraps #71