Totally in love with PJ Harvey’s recently released demo of Let England Shake / Mike Mills’ Fireworks and the beautiful reason he started drawing them/ on the South London of BlowUp / Field Notes zine looks nice / a 1997 doco about Gary Oldman who was at the height of his fame and the short life of the author who he plays / a 2000 doco about Lucille Ball / I should find the time to investigate this high class French patisserie that just opened / some kind soul has classified Radio 4’s In Our Time using the Dewey Decimal System / population around a point is very clever / a map of world conflicts / a BBC show about art and censorship / I baked a lemon cake in a moment of weakness. It was really good / the beautiful long exposure photographs of faceless crowds / a book about John Ruskin and Herne Hill / how Aids has been depicted in film / the music of Rafiq Bhatia.
Sunday Scraps #65