The taxidermied lion of the Gripsholm Castle is a lesson for us all / on japanese kitchens / a BBC documentary on the Brixton riots / the conductor Aaron Copland who developed what became known as the sound of American landscapes / theres a korean pop-up toast restaurant in Granary Square near King’s Cross and I feel like this is the new London real estate playbook: when in doubt, offer niche Asian food options / I didn’t know that I Sing the Body Electric is a Walt Whitman poem from 1855 and not a song from Fame / the O.K. Corral building is known for something that never happened in it / on scrapbooks and activism / the Stickermagic website pleases 10 year old me / on African American tea rooms / Myra Hess (who taught Dave Brubeck’s mother) used to perform every week at the National Gallery which had to be emptied of art because of WWII / my favourite Stevie Nicks song is something she performed while having makeup applied during a break / on the history of the hot water bottle / a lovely local (to me) street-level exhibition explaining the Brixton Uprising / the Museum of Youth Culture looks interesting.
Sunday Scraps #63