New work: Human Values and policy-making

Over the past few months, I’ve been working with the BBC R&D team on advancing their Human Values research in the context of some NESTA funding we won. We’re working entirely remotely and I’ve been enjoying working with friends, old and new, in their North Lab. Since the Open Internet of Things event I helped Usman… Continue reading New work: Human Values and policy-making

Pour boxer, il faut avoir faim: my thoughts on design for design students

Written for an exhibition put on by Middlesex University as part of London Design Festival. I graduated from a McSc in Industrial Design 2004 and here’s what I wish they’d told me. You won’t design this way ever again. If you work for someone else, you will spend 100% of your time designing 10% of… Continue reading Pour boxer, il faut avoir faim: my thoughts on design for design students

FRSTEE: Making a business out of rapid prototyping

As part of RIG, I worked closely with Phil, Andy and Amanda (an absolute pleasure, you should hire them, seriously) to launch FRSTEE a few weeks ago. The most interesting thing about this project for me was the opportunity to work with rapid prototyping in a way that made economic sense. To build a micro-business… Continue reading FRSTEE: Making a business out of rapid prototyping

MapCodes: maps for an internet of things

A few months ago, I started exploring a simple idea around keyrings. This turned into material explorations using laser cutting and wood and finally perspex. The perspex version I built looked a lot more abstract, a little 1920s jewellery, but later it occured to me that what I had designed, through a material exploration was… Continue reading MapCodes: maps for an internet of things

Making in London

I’m starting to put together a little map (duh) of digital making resources in London I have used or know about. Mostly laser cutting services for now, but will add more. If you think of anything else, drop me a line! View Making in London in a larger map

On graduating

So for the first time in years, I went to have a proper look at design graduate work (CSM & RCA) as this is the perfect opportunity to take a snapshot of design education before the scary rise in fees when most UK students might apply outside of the UK and schools start to panic.… Continue reading On graduating