Polycrate’s son: his son is thought to be the source of democracy…which is basically an evolution of the structure of information from tyranny to democracy… In this new model, there are different levels of involvement: there are delegations > headquarters > communities > individuals… and then different types of categories of those agents: development, emergency,… Continue reading LIFT: Paul Oberson: Technology in the humanitarian world.
LIFT: Jean-Luc Rayomd: the digital divide.
Working currently at Microsoft Jean Luc Raymond. Less than 20% of the world has a connection, Africa represents less than 1% of connected people which will decrease as time goes by and population grows. The question of access is a problem, Different age, sex, language, work, skills, etc are much more of a problem than… Continue reading LIFT: Jean-Luc Rayomd: the digital divide.
LIFT: David Galipeau
Worked for a lot of “evil” companies (pharmacology, retail, tabacco, etc.) now working in the UNAids. Internet represents the transfer of power. (MIT online for free, travel agents to people, doctors to patients) There is an ideological change during the dotcom era. Access to information as a human right. Converging tradition and new media, is… Continue reading LIFT: David Galipeau
Live-blogging at Lift: Introduction by Bruno Giussani
We are moving from the model of a network to a cloud of connectivity. We have a wide range access to the Internet vs 10 years ago. There are now 2 billion subscribers around the world. Personal devices now look more like computers. For the purpose of communicating they are not the only tools though,… Continue reading Live-blogging at Lift: Introduction by Bruno Giussani
On my way to LIFT 06
Im heading tomorrow for LIFT (life, ideas, futures, together) in Geneva. A 2 day conference about people and technology and featuring a very very exciting bunch of speakers. I will be live-blogging here as well as on CPH 127 during the conference. Hope i can type fast enough! :-)
More against the iPod
Happy New Year everyone! Ok so back on track with my thesis at the moment. Ive decided to concentrate on MP3 players as i see the variety of ways in which people are targeted to buy this or that “music box” , which is what it is in a way. Its only a box and… Continue reading More against the iPod
Avoiding interaction with technology…
This Economist article paints a vivid picture of the current situation in Japan where acceptance of technology (in this case robots) leads to maintaining closed any economic or social ties with other countries by providing for a technological solution. The fact is that Japan’s (as everyone else’s) elderly population is growing fast and instead of… Continue reading Avoiding interaction with technology…
The Dissapearing everything…
So i was reading half interested CNN article on information overload in our society and wondered whether i was really dreaming when i read that a 22 year old thought that: “”The library is daunting because I have to go there and everything is organized by academic area,” Quaranta said. “I don’t even know where… Continue reading The Dissapearing everything…
Review 2
So my second thesis review took place in Milan this monday. It was very constructive and i got a lot of very useful feedback. Present that day were a few external people: Gillian Crampton Smith, Phil Tabor, Jochem Straatman from Cibic & Partners, Marco Palmonari from exit Consulting and finally Ashley Benigno from 3 were… Continue reading Review 2
DIY: are we losing it? how important is it?
I like this Treehugger post that talks about our inability to do things ourselves and our constant reliance if not on technology but also on the prepackaged and premade. Beyond their obvious comment about our grandparent’s skills that got developed in less happy conditions and because of heavy recession, i wonder if there isnt something… Continue reading DIY: are we losing it? how important is it?