The road is wider than long

I’m turning 40 in a few weeks and since I have little confidence that anyone will, in fact, ask me ‘anything’ at the Thingscon Thingsfest session I’m taking part in, I thought I’d share some perspectives, probably half way down the wide road of life: A body is a machine. My brain and the rest… Continue reading The road is wider than long

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Fun fun fun

Thanks to Mark Littlewood for this one. Very funny if it wasn’t so true.

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Trans vs Inter

Transmedia, transdisciplinary, etc.. are clearly a fashionable expression but really… “Trans is a Latin noun or prefix, meaning “across”, “beyond” or “on the opposite side”.” “Inter is a Latin prefix meaning “between”, among, or “within a group”.” Same difference? Not? Dunno but it’s bugging me.

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21st century compliance

I went to a conference and a few days later my friend Michelle came up with “Twitter compliant” as a way of rating presentations. Today I walked around the beautiful new Maxxi museum of Modern Art and Architecture in Rome (another Zaha Hadid project) and thought that some 21st century compliance would really help. The… Continue reading 21st century compliance

The year that was

A bit of a tradition started 3 years ago by a canadian friend. I think it’s as good a way as any to recap. 1.What did you do in 2009 that you’d never done before? Missed a flight. 2. Did you keep your New Years’ resolutions, and will you make more for next year? Really… Continue reading The year that was

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A City Experience: Canvases

I’ve been thinking for a while about contributing to the latest design craze among my peers: cities. I’m not an architect but I like cities as a user, as a designer, and I thought I’d write very short bursts about what I like about them, having lived for years in some of the best and… Continue reading A City Experience: Canvases

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