On the potential

(Talk given on March 11th in India at the BusinessWorld IOT Expo.) I’ve had a lot of friends join large organisations as employees. One of the reasons they cite is often ‘there’s so much potential’ because the brand / business is large, important or global. I always grin. Since the world of business and technology… Continue reading On the potential

The End of Ignorance

The End of Ignorance from Alexandra Deschamps-Sonsino This is a transcript of my talk for Webstock ’16. I’ve been thinking about where the internet of things sits in the grand scheme of the human experience and I’ve come to some conclusions I’d like to share with you. On ignorance The word ignorant is an adjective… Continue reading The End of Ignorance

A Good Death

On December 18th, my dad died with his mouth open. We all die with our mouth open. But we don’t all die a good death. His was dignified and peaceful and worth sharing. It was a death surrounded by loved ones. A death in silence, without much pain. A death in a world constructed for death… Continue reading A Good Death

A Good Death.

A Good Death. On December 18th, my dad died with his mouth open. We all die with our mouth open. But we don’t all die a good death. His was dignified and peaceful and worth sharing. It was a death surrounded by loved ones. A death in silence, without much pain. A death in a world… Continue reading A Good Death.

End of year review

Thanks to Prof. Dr. Molly Steenson for initiating this habit, this is the 9th year I’ve done these reviews. 1.What did you do in 2015 that you’d never done before? Went back home five times. 2. Did you keep your New Years’ resolutions, and will you make more for next year? What New Year’s Resolutions 3. Did… Continue reading End of year review

Categorized as Personal

New Creatives

I recently gave a talk at the closing event of an EU-funded program to support the creative industries around Coventry and it gave me an opportunity to think about my ‘practice’. This is a word people in the creative industries like. It sounds like ‘craft’ but with more intent, more direction. I don’t think of… Continue reading New Creatives

What does it do? A proposal for connected product labelling.

          The problem with connected products is (among other things) that they have a life beyond our actual use of them. Data is collected by manufacturers about how we use our lightbulbs, wristbands, thermostats and more. That data is collected at a particular rate and we often don’t have access to… Continue reading What does it do? A proposal for connected product labelling.

Ten years of the internet of things through the eyes of Gartner

The end of the summer marks the return to school and a time to digest our favorite summer publication: the Gartner Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies Chart. Every year I feel a bit confused about this graph. Folks in B2B sectors swear by it and have pointed out that in the last two years the internet of things reached… Continue reading Ten years of the internet of things through the eyes of Gartner