I rode my bike on the Downs Link which of course was upgraded with the help of the European Regional Development Fund but I don’t want to look up how Surrey voted in 2016 / it also took me a while to understand I had to take the bridle paths / the Lynn Chadwick exhibition at Pangolin was absolutely fantastic and there’s a whole sculpture trail around King’s Place I should check out / I practiced judo when I was young and didn’t know Yves Klein taught it and wrote a book about it / thinking about getting a Cycle Confident course because I started cycling under such strange organic conditions I probably don’t know some basic stuff / the Palestinian scarf manufacturer Hirbawi is looking for suggestions for a new logo / i kindof want to try making a Silesian Streusal Cake / there’s a National Gas Museum and I should probably go see it / someone engraved a recipe on their mother’s tombstone which is such a good idea / the paper bullets of Claude Cahun & Marcel Moore / the musical genius of jazz composer Mary Lou Williams.
Sunday Scraps #59