I’ve come to believe 9 1/2 weeks is the best film about interior design masquerading as a film about a terrible relationship / which suits the theme of corsets and big shoulders in the latest Self Esteem video where lyrics take a backseat entirely and the choreographer should be sacked / Reed Estabrook‘s photographs of roadside America are insane / Mohammed Mbougar Sarr won the Prix Goncourt this year / and chef Mory Sacko is opening a London restaurant soon / turns out Glenn Gould was a bit of a weirdo / the Parkland Walk in North London looks nice / a client made me taste a tattie scone and i’m hooked / the ludicrous nature of Chinese rural life re-interpreted and stripped of its history for the Youtube generation / a presentation about Maslow and the BlackFoot community / the archive of library projects in the South Bronx in the 1970s.
Sunday Scraps #58