
I went to Hong Kong and Australia a few months ago and relished at the idea of bringing back “things”. When going to a foreign land, your wallet gets a little out of control and I looked forward to bringing back treasures from the east, like some Marco Polo in a dress with a credit… Continue reading Unexportables

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London, Paris, Bruxelles, Amsterdam, Milan, San Francisco. My way.

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Deep city

I was fortunate enough to attend the Microsoft Research Social Computing Symposium on “The City as a Platform” in fabulous NYC last week and thought i’d share my Ignite-style talk. This event and talk was an opportunity for me to do 4 things: – talk about something that’s related to my design interests – break… Continue reading Deep city

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Mind blowing

A friend was telling me about the desert, so I googled it. never expected to see this. View Larger Map Makes me want to travel. Now.

Categorized as Traveling

After the Lunch

Lovely poem by Wendy Cope I read in the Underground the other day. On Waterloo Bridge, where we said our goodbyes, the weather conditions bring tears to my eyes. I wipe them away with a black woolly glove And try not to notice I’ve fallen in love. On Waterloo Bridge I am trying to think:… Continue reading After the Lunch

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Viva Italia!

One way to level up in European immigration as a foreigner is to have an italian parent (my father in this case) as since the mid 90s Italy recognises citizenship for people with parents or grandparents who were born in Italy. This now means I am pretty much free to live in Europe for the… Continue reading Viva Italia!

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This is what happens when you’re in love. In love with where you live. You go through 2 days of Tube strike, you watch the city you love not even make it to the top 50 most liveable cities and generally go to shit with the economy. But it doesn’t matter to you, love is… Continue reading 6:34

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